All the Birds Sing Bass
on (in)audibility, silenced and vulnerable archives and the politics of futurity
The technology of science
The rituals, the etiquette
the blurring of terms
silence not absence
of words or music or even
raw sounds
Silence can be a plan
rigorously executed
the blueprint to a life
It is a presence
it has a history a form
Do not confuse it
with any kind of absence
- Adrienne Rich, from “Cartographies of Silence”, 1975
The mind that has conceived a plan of living must never lose sight of the chaos against which that pattern was conceived.
- Ralph Ellison, from "Invisible Man", 1952
Nottingham Contemporary presents All the Birds Sing Bass, a convening exploring strategies of speech and spaces of listening.
Taking place over the week of 19-25 June, All the Birds Sing Bass features performance, conversation, music, workshop and screening with contributions by Annie Goh, David Blandy, Jake Mehew, Chooc Ly Tan, Vibeke Mascini & Ella Finer, Emma McCormick-Goodhart, Fleur Melbourn & Tirzah, Steven Feld, Noor Abed, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Jol Thoms, amongst others.
How can we form alliances to create tools that strengthen our communication strategies and ability to listen? Can we create new maps of what we can and cannot hear to remember collective experiences, recognize non-human actions, and conspire new myths? How can we “bottom” the weight and the wobble introduced by sonic positions peripheral to the contested centre?
All the Birds Sing Bass centres dissenting views, sounds and voices, looking at the ripples that propose an alternative history writing and participation via practical solidarity. This series avails itself to resonances and dissonances that problematise preconceptions and totalising paradigms. It sings ‘bass’, voicing the evident exclusions upon which postings of taxonomies and categorisations depend.
Devising languages through sonics, dissonance through movements and capturing what is felt, seen and heard, this series of events consider how narratives could be poetically and sonically claimed while creating echoes through the relationship of the body to other bodies, water and soil.
“Dissonance .... leads to discovery” writes William Carlos Williams. All the Birds Sing Bass navigates through the architectures of land and reclaims the role sonics can play in disrupting dominant knowledges, histories and power.
Mon 19 Jun, 6.30pm: PERFORMANCE: Microcosm by Jake Mehew
Tue 20 Jun, 6.30pm: LISTENING SESSION: Echoes of Elsewhere by Annie Goh
Wed 21 Jun, 6.30pm: PERFORMATIVE SCREENING: Our Songs Were Ready for All the Wars to Come, by Noor Abed & Dirar Kalash
Thu 22 Jun, 6.30pm: PERFORMATIVE LECTURE: Negus by Invernomuto
Fri 23 Jun, 6pm: On Wounded Kinship: a screening followed by a performance by Chooc Ly Tan
Sat 24 Jun, 3pm: Silent Whale Letters by Ella Finer & Vibeke Mascini
Sun 25 Jun, 12pm: IMMERSIVE LISTENING & SCREENING: Voices of the Rainforest by Steven Feld, followed by an online conversation with Jol Thoms
Sun 25 Jun, 1pm: WORLD-BUILDING x TABLETOP: Gathering Storm by David Blandy
All the Birds Sing BassDates:
19 Jun 2023 – 25 Jun 2023Curated by:
Canan Batur, assisted by Philippa Douglas
Supported by: