Play and Learn Team: Pasha Kincaid

I’m Pasha and I am very happy to have joined the Play and Learn team as a Facilitator in October 2023. I am an artist working with multi-media installations. These have included performances and work with clay, print, paint, and video. My work often invites people to join in, whether it is playing with giant wooden blocks, making clay figures, or talking together. I work co-creatively with children and their families in galleries, museums, schools, festivals, and open spaces. I am lucky to produce large-scale events like festivals, exhibitions, and dance shows.

In my spare time I like to read, visit galleries, and shows. I love being with like-minded friends and walking in nature. My favourite spot is Beacon Hill, in Leicestershire. I love clambering up the rocks, circling the hill, whilst dodging the long-horned cows, and walking in the surrounding woodlands. I have three grown up children, who I love to visit and spend time with.


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