Blend at Contemporary: Children's Menu

toast on a plate with jam on the first slice and pots of jam on the table behind next to a kids' menu

Blend at Nottingham Contemporary have been working with Susie, our Play and Learn Facilitator to create the Toast Café - a fantastic sensory friendly menu for small children, suitable for a range of needs and price ranges, adding to their main children's menu.

You can choose what type of bread, how many slices, what shapes you would like, and.... all spreads and toppings are served separately to the toast.

How amazing is that? We can hear all the grown-ups cheering with approval (and a sigh of relief!)

Click here to see the children's menu featuring the Toast Café.

Click here to see the full café menu.

You can find Blend at Contemporary on the bottom floor of our building - accessible by stairs or lift.

Opening times:
Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat & Sun: 9.30am-5pm

a graphic showing availability of changing places toilets, wheelchair for hire, folding stools, communication cards, lifts, hearing loop, ear defenders, translated exhibition notes in Arabic, Urdu and Polish, easy read exhibition notes, and coloured overlays
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kids in museums logo
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