Keynote: Silvia Federici
In this keynote, feminist writer, thinker and activist Silvia Federici addresses housework as a critical terrain in the class struggle against capitalism, as well as social and institutional violence against women, including the new witch-hunts. This surge of violence has occurred as an expansion of capitalist accumulation through enclosure, enslavement and land dispossession from women and indigenous communities. Federici will examine the root causes of these developments and will outline the consequences for the women affected and their communities, as discussed in the new book "Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women", which offers powerful tools for understanding collective resistance and transformative social relations in the past and today.
Introduced and moderated by Lynne Pettinger.
Five Leaves Bookshop will present a selection of books and related publications for sale during the event.
In collaboration with the Centre for Critical Theory at the University of Nottingham, the Three Ecologies Research Group, and Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice at the University of Nottingham.
Silvia Federici is a feminist activist, writer, and a teacher. In 1972 she was one of the cofounders of the International Feminist Collective, the organization that launched the Wages For Housework campaign internationally. In the 1990s, after a period of teaching and research in Nigeria, she was active in the anti-globalization movement and the U.S. anti–death penalty movement. She is one of the co-founders of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa, an organization dedicated to generating support for the struggles of students and teachers in Africa against the structural adjustment of African economies and educational systems. From 1987 to 2005 she taught international studies, women studies, and political philosophy courses at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY. All through these years she has written books and essays on philosophy and feminist theory, women’s history, education and culture, and more recently the worldwide struggle against capitalist globalization and for a feminist reconstruction of the commons.
Lynne Pettinger lectures in the Sociology department of the University of Warwick. She has researched service work, green work, sex work and IT work. Her new book is called What’s Wrong With Work? (Policy Press, 2019) and explores work in a time of social, environmental and economic crisis. Pettinger forms part of the Three Ecologies Research Group.