Calculative Environments : Theo Reeves Evison
Theo Reeves-Evison, Great Expectation Machines in Art, Ecology and Green Capitalism
In the face of looming environmental catastrophe, practices of nature conservation, preservation and ecological restoration are increasingly using new systems of measurement and prediction. Each session will consider how such instruments - through competing logics of preservation, conservation, value, and profit - actively shape the environments they seek to protect, with required reading being given out in advance. By reading and discussing the subtleties of how these systems and technologies work, we will work through a range of problems in how everyday distinctions are drawn between nature and culture, human and animal, living and inert. Join discussions and read about issues of biodiversity, extinction, computation, and ecological finance.
In this session we consider the forecasting techniques and planning tools that have been used by organizations to prepare for anthropogenic climate change. It will chart a shift from the futurological methods of the 1960s to the prevalence of scenario planning today, along the way discussing art projects that broaden the way in which our environmental futures are imagined, conceptualized and produced.
Due to the limited capacity for this session booking is essential. To book please email Mercè at
Theo Reeves-Evison is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at Birmingham School of Art, where he is working on a research project entitled ‘Speculative Natures: Contemporary Art and Interventionist Ecology’. The project investigates how processes of speculation and storytelling in contemporary art have the capacity to organise environmental activities around imagined futures, and will manifest in several events, presentations and publications over the next three years.
Programmed by Theo Reeves Evison, Birmingham City University
Calculative Environments : Theo Reeves EvisonDates:
26 Feb 2019, 6.30pm–8.30pmSupported by: