Slow Reading Group: The Ends of the World
The Three Ecologies Research Group at Nottingham Contemporary is holding a series of free reading sessions. Join us every third Monday of the month at 7pm.
We will be reading together (literally, aloud, and slowly) and discussing 'The Ends of the World' by Déborah Danowski and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro.
In this book, philosopher Déborah Danowski and anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro offer a bold overview and interpretation of the current discourses on ‘the end of the world’, reading them as thought experiments on the decline of the West’s anthropological adventure Ð that is, as attempts, though not necessarily intentional ones, at inventing a mythology that is adequate to the present. This work has important implications for the future development of ecological practices and it will appeal to a broad audience interested in contemporary anthropology, philosophy, and environmentalism.
No specialist expertise is needed for slow reading, other than an interest in reading with others.
We will have copies of the chapter available on the day.
Free. All welcome. No need to book.
Déborah Danowski is Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro is Professor of Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. In their tects they engage the question 'what might come next?' with passion.
The Three Ecologies is a multidisciplinary ecology research group established in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. The group meets every month at Nottingham Contemporary, they not only organise events but also visit different sites and organisations in the city in order to explore the city’s ecological context.
Slow Reading Group: The Ends of the WorldDates:
21 Jan 2019, Mon 18 Feb, Mon 18 Mar, Mon 15 Apr, Mon 20 May, 7-9pm.Supported by: