Slow Reading Group: Making Peace with the Earth
The Three Ecologies Research Group at Nottingham Contemporary is holding a series of free reading sessions. Join us every third Monday of the month at 7pm.
Come along, we are reading together (literally, aloud, and slowly) and discussing contemporary ecology. We read texts and books that encompass social relations and human subjectivity as well as environmental concerns.
We are now reading 'Making Peace with the Earth' by Vandana Shiva.
Vandana Shiva is known by many as an environmentalist, anti-globalisation campaigner, and a founder of eco-feminism. Although this book isn’t explicitly eco-feminist in content, it is a compelling exposition demolishing the myths propagated by corporate globalisation in its pursuit of profit and power, and shows its devastating environmental impact.
No specialist expertise is needed for slow reading, other than an interest in reading with others.
We will have copies of the chapters available on the day.
Free. All welcome. No need to book.
Join us on Facebook here for up to date news.
Vandana Shiva is a physicist, environmental activist and the author of over 300 papers in leading scientific and technical journals. Shiva participated in the nonviolent Chipko movement during the 1970s. The movement, whose main participants were women, adopted the tactic of hugging trees to prevent their felling. She is one of the leaders of the International Forum on Globalization, (along with Jerry Mander, Edward Goldsmith, Ralph Nader, Jeremy Rifkin, et al.), and a figure of the global solidarity movement known as the alter-globalization movement. She has argued for the wisdom of many traditional practices, as is evident from her interview in the book Vedic Ecology (by Ranchor Prime) that draws upon India's Vedic heritage.
The Three Ecologies is a multidisciplinary ecology research group established in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. The group meets every month at Nottingham Contemporary, they not only organise events but also visit different sites and organisations in the city in order to explore the city’s ecological context.
Slow Reading Group: Making Peace with the EarthDates:
16 Sep 2019, Mon 21 Oct, Mon 18 Nov, 7-9pm.Supported by: