Media Gone Mental: Internet Paranoia Someone on Your Case?
How Secure Do You Feel Right Now? Let's talk about privacy, surveillance, consent, the commodification of personal opinion, leaks, whistle-blowing, identity theft, online safety.
Without key note speakers and the assumption that the experts are the audience (we are all social media users), we intent to facilitate discussions, hear the ‘voices from the crowd’ and reflect on timely topics including the risks and advantages associated with social media and the effects that surveillance can have on our daily lives.
This event has been developed with Making Waves and the Open Future Research Group, Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham.
Making Waves is a survivor led organisation and lived experience collective and was founded to try and challenge the current understandings about people who have experienced mental distress. Making Waves members Julie Gosling and Caroline Fox also work as part of Open Futures Network which is service user and community led, bringing together local groups and local services, artists, activists, health care professionals and academics within collaborative and dynamic partnerships for well-being.
Current research explores areas such as trauma as roots of psychosis; Martin Luther King’s ideas on creative maladjustment; and PINE Participation In Nurse Education teaching programme led by Making Waves.
Media Gone Mental: Internet Paranoia Someone on Your Case?Dates:
12 Nov 2015, 6.30pm–8pmSupported by: