Heartbreakers Ball... A Valentine's Happening

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Enter a scene: small town American prom circa 1950 (or is it 80?). A band lulls in the corner, love films play on loop, cherry pie is served, punch drunk, corsages wilt, the drag head announces your slow dance… you’re invited to prom, but not as you know it.

Come alone, bring your clique, bring your lover … leave you with your soulmate.

Dress Code
Dress like you’re at a lonely prom in a film directed by David Lynch or maybe John Walters.

Comperes: LaPelles Factory
Your headmistress and her assistant will be in charge, making sure everyone keeps in line and that there’s no funny business.

Live Music: Cream with a K
Cream with a K, aka Lee Tatlock, brings a unique blend of 90’s fuzzy Grunge rock with hypnotic guitar licks, sticky sweet synth lines and her signature ethereal vocals.

Performance: Cacator and the Sirens
In a special performance, our homecoming queens of heartbreak, Cacator and the Sirens, will lament loves lost.

Slow Dance
It’s the time of the night you’ve been waiting for. The music slows, you’ve secretly written down your crush’s name – now will the headmistress announce your slow dance?

Attempt to capture the magic of prom with our ill-tempered photographer.

Punch Bowl
Want to make prom night extra special? Reserve a table for up to 8 people, and we will keep topping up your own private punch bowl.

Lost Love Hotline
Call a lost love, current squeeze or future heartbreak, and leave your message after the beep…

* By calling the number, you agree for your recorded message to be used as part of the Heartbreakers Ball event at Nottingham Contemporary on 14 Feb 2020. We reserve the right not to play recordings if the content could be deemed offensive, inappropriate, or a breach of personal privacy. All messages will be deleted after the event.

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