Five Bodies Workshop: Simone White
‘On Surrounding’
Join us for a series of free monthly workshops exploring creative-critical practice, hybrid methodologies and experimental thinking.
Organised in collaboration with the Critical Poetics research group based at Nottingham Trent University, and featuring international guest speakers, the Five Bodies workshops provide a new platform for debate and collaboration for those interested in exploring the relationship between creative and critical writing.
Led by poet and critic Simone White, this workshop explores various articulations of material relation and contact. Departing from concepts such as Denise Ferreira da Silva’s 'envelopment,' Martin Heidegger’s 'fourfold' and the 'strata' of Deleuze and Guattari, participants discuss the possibilities for a poetic condition of externality — its duration and its meaning.
Our open call for the 2020-21 academic years is now closed. Join our Five Bodies monthly poetry series, where unexpected ideas, experimental drifts and multiple voices explore perceiving, sensing, feeling and knowing as knowledge-making practices.
Simone White is a poet and critic. She is the author of Dear Angel of Death, Of Being Dispersed, and House Envy of All the World and the chapbooks Unrest and Dolly. Her newest book, or, on being the other woman, is forthcoming in 2021 with Duke University Press. Her work has also appeared in publications including Arttforum, BOMB, e-flux journal, the Chicago Review, and the New York Times Book Review. White teaches in the English Department at the University of Pennsylvania and on the faculty of the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College.
Five Bodies Workshop: Simone WhiteDates:
10 Mar 2021, 5.30pm–7.30pmCurators:
Sofia Lemos and Dr. Sarah Jackson, with Jack Thacker
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