End of the Summer School
Climate change, imminent financial collapse, a rising tide of racism and political tensions: in an increasingly interdependent, unevenly globalised and intensely divided world, there is an urgent need to track connections between events, detect their impact in the here and now, and respond creatively to them.
Building on previous workshops (but open to new participants), this summer school seeks to explore the usefulness of thinking in an expanded ecological framework in order to explore the changing textures of everyday life in Nottingham and its links to a broader set of global processes and tendencies.
These summer school sessions will involve participants in developing an active experimentation with different kinds of expertise, forms of analysis, modes of research. What can we learn from other collaborative initiatives, artistic or therapeutic practices and practices of resistance? What counts as part of the ecological fabric of post-industrial urban landscape?
Day 1 - Thu 22 Sept, 4-8pm
Urban Antibodies: Nottingham-based artist, Rebecca Beinart, looks at the city as a living organism
The End of the World as We Know It? Andrew Goffey, associate Professor in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies, University of Nottingham, explores ideas about the end of the world, the politics of expertise, and the challenges of thinking transversally/translocally
Cyclogeography: Writer JD Taylor leads a workshop where urban bicycling explores structural and psychosocial questions of place, belonging and collective identity.
Day 2 - Fri 22 Sept, 4-8pm
Zombie Data and the Three Ecologies: Lynne Pettinger explores the power and limitations of numerical data as a source of knowledge about the world.
Madlove: Hannah Hull, situation-specific artist, worked with people with personal experience of mental health to redesign the asylum from scratch, based purely on the needs and desires of ‘mad’ people.
What's next? Closing discussion.
Developed in collaboration with the Centre for Critical Theory at The University of Nottingham.