1525 presents The Lyceum

a collage of coloured papers
Artwork: Sophie Lynn Carney
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The Lyceum is a social space to facilitate discourse and engage in critical thinking and conversations through an art lens. This space is a 2-part event series where talks will be hosted about non-mainstream education, creative failure, activism, and politics of art. The hopes are to, firstly, address what is lacking in education, and how education is not one-size-fits-all, and the way the system fails to equip young people with relevant skills and experiences to get into the workforce.

In the second session, we will attempt to share and illustrate real life practice in relation to liberation, and the systems at work across the globe, and how these can be meaningfully addressed.


Lyceum, as a word is rooted in education, and has various forms with many meanings; here we’ve chosen to refer to it as ‘a public forum or performance space’, demonstrating the multifaceted nature of education.

Discourse – written or spoken communication

Critical thinking – deep thinking where you carefully question, analyse, observe and reflect to form an opinion

Liberation – someone and/or something is freed from the control of another

1525 Collective are a group of creative 15-25 year olds who are passionate about arts and culture. They meet regularly at Nottingham Contemporary to develop projects, socialise, and form connections. Their ambitions are to grow as creatives, gain skills and experiences, connect with other local creatives, and showcase their unique talents and perspectives.


Free. This event is aimed at 15-25 year olds. Booking is required.

This event will be held in Gallery Zero. Seating and refreshments will be provided.


Find information about getting here and our building access and facilities here.

If you have any questions around access or have specific access requirements we can accommodate, please get in touch with us by emailing chantelle@nottinghamcontemporary.org or phoning 0115 948 9750

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