1525 No Reading Reading Club: The Limits of the Visible
No need to book, just drop in!
Wheelchair Accessible
For 15-25 Year Olds
"Though light and sound both come to us in waves, it is only the sonic blast which can knock us over and even kill us." - Marta Zarzycka. Showing Sounds: Listening to War Photographs, 2012
No Reading Reading Club is a free series for young people, in which a selected text is read aloud and discussed. Texts will be handed out in the session. No pre-reading or research is required. The absence of knowledge is embraced to experiment with friendly and collective ways to interpret a reading.
This session we will be reading 'Showing Sounds: Listening to War Photographs' by Marta Zarzycka. One of the most common critiques of visual documentary has been to do with all it excludes from view. Zarzycka pays attention to silence and implied sound in images and media to bring attention to violence against women.
*discussion will reference portraits and film that deal with topics of war, death, and violence against women.
No Reading Reading Club is inspired by No Reading After the Internet, an ongoing project of cheyanne turions:
"Though the idea of a reading group isn’t new (consider Rainer Ganahl’s Reading Karl Marx and Kristina Lee Podesva’s D&G Reading Group Or How Do You Make Yourself a Body without Colours?), No Reading nonetheless poses itself as a space for experimental learning and discussion. Simply put, we are suspicious of our own reading abilities, and the extent to which our readings are conversant with one another. No Reading means to offer a space within which to retrace the steps used in constructing understanding, productively challenging individual and collective ways through the realms of language and interpretation. To participate in No Reading is to invoke an exuberant not-knowing, seeking out moments of collective illumination. The strategies we have at our disposal are twofold: through the yoking of our discussion to a text; and inducing conversation, where possible, between text and specific, local, contemporaneous exhibitions and happenings."