1525 Soundscape of the Future

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Board the train to the future.

As part of the Future of Futures project, with the guidance of a team of artists, we worked with two groups at Space Inclusive to co-create a wellbeing-centred installation imagining the garden shed as a Museum of the Future.

Inspired by fantasy, sci-fi, and nature, four workshops were undertaken to create the pieces and give the participants an opportunity to curate their own space.

In the second workshop, the focus was sound, frequencies and light. Participants were given props, instruments and prompts to create expressions of what they believe the future will sound like.

The recordings and cover art were put together by artist Benjamin Rostance, who also co-delivered the workshop.

Back cover for audio, Colourful background with text that is a descriptive context for the audio
Insert for audio, Colourful background with white text
The CD cover of the audio, colourful background and white text

Future of Futures is an immersive year-long research, engagement and artistic project led by young people. Borrowing from sci-fi as well as role play and scenario planning techniques, our project will be set’ in a future version of Nottingham at the end of the 21st century, to collectively reimagine the role of culture and our gallery.

This project is supported by The Weston Culture Fund and The Foyle Foundation.

Your support is vital

A small one-off or regular donation helps us present free exhibitions, events and education programmes across the city, up and down the UK, and around the world.

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