Art of Belonging

A young person in a black headscarf and yellow sweatshirt is starting a sketch of an artwork.
Image: Ismail Khokon.

Nottingham Contemporary has signed the Art of Belonging pledge to support an inclusive, cultural offer for refugees and asylum seekers across the city.

The pledge is a commitment to address barriers to access, provide a warm welcome and inclusive experience, develop activities with and for communities, to work with community and cultural partners, develop practices and policies, and celebrate the voices and contributions of newly arrived communities.

See here for more information Art of Belonging Pledge | ChalleNGe Nottingham

We are part of the Art of Belonging Steering Group. Recent programmes and activities include an ongoing partnership with NEST (Nottingham Education Sanctuary Team) involving young people in visits to cultural venues across the city, a partnership with Refugee Roots and Refugee Week programming.

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